SHE, is a dynamic trio featuring renowned Australian singer-songwriters Lyn Bowtell, Beccy Cole and Felicity Urquhart. Immerse yourself in an intimate performance as these three artists, each with a distinguished musical legacy, join forces on stage. Experience...
‘Wiser’ has been nominated for an AIR Award for Best Independent Country Album of the Year! To be ranked among the top five independent country albums in the 2023 AIR Awards is such a wonderful honour. Wiser was produced by Shane Nicholson, with the support of my...
Multi award winning Country music stars Luke O’Shea and Lyn Bowtell are touring Australia in 2023, as part of their ‘Love and Laughter Tour’. With 26 Golden Guitar Awards between them, singer/songwriters Luke O’Shea and Lyn Bowtell have reunited to share their passion...
Lyn Bowtell’s latest single from her ARIA Country #1, and ‘Contemporary Country Album of the Year’ winning Album ‘Wiser’ is ‘Looking for Nobody’. This tongue-in-cheek song uses a play on words to describe looking for someone who’ll love and support you,...
‘Maryanne the optimist, she pours me tea She knows to make it better There’s something magical when she speaks to me Even if it’s just about the weather’ ARIA Chart-topping artist Lyn Bowtell continues to bring the joy with her latest single, Maryanne The Optimist...